COVID-19 Response:

Adapting to Tough Times

We had just distributes 800 computers to schools in Zimbabwe in February when our President Farirai Berejena landed in Zimbabwe and spent three weeks visiting schools. We were excited with the progress we had made, but just after Farirai had landed back in America we had a lockdown. At that point we had no idea that we would also see World Big Family distributing computers to local students to facilitate online learning in the Tri-State area. It was at that moment that we realized that learning online was going to be a challenge for low income families who did not own computers but used school and library computers. Eventually we saw schools lending computers to students and many computer issues were resolved and students began to catch up on missed assignments. That’s how we worked around the lack of computers in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas.


However, when COVID-19 hit in Africa and around the world; schools were shut down and learning stopped. The lack of technology became a huge barrier to the hope of eradicating poverty through education. Schools closed and learning seized especially for students in rural schools who have no access to radio, TV or WhatsApp learning. The world is in need and children are waiting on us; doing nothing means we will have nations lagging behind. Eventually, that will affect all of us globally. The whole situation is heart breaking. When kids stay home they are victims of child labor and abuse. During school days children have hope and can imagine a future that they are willing to work hard for and make it a reality. Their hope for the future is what we want to keep alive, therefore our response is to become a computer distribution center for children in need across the world. When you donate a computer right now, we are rushing it to students who are waiting to begin learning again. Right now we have a truck we’re packing. Let’s fill it to capacity. Please consider a donation now to ship this month August 2020 and November 2020. We will give you an update for 2021 shipment.

Here is the World Big Family team packing computers and making the shipment ready for August 21 2020. You can volunteer to help us packing and testing computers to make sure each computer is working before it is shipped.